Friday, June 4, 2010

News and Announcements

There are so many pertinent news stories today, covering a range of topics, all we can do is post the headlines with the appropriate prophetic classifications. We are in the midst of a major birthpain right now.

But first...For anyone "in the neighborhood", I will be presenting an 8 week series on "end times" prophecy at
Sunrise Church (directions in link), near Chapel Hill, North Carolina beginning June 13 at 10:00 (all services to be held at 10:00).

The topics will include:

Week 1: "Signs of the Coming Christ" overview
Week 2: The Olivet Discourse
Week 3: Daniel and the Gentile Empires
Week 4: The Middle East Today
Week 5: Revelation as a Chronological Timeline for Future Events
Week 6: The Rapture of the Church
Week 7: The Rapture of the Church
Week 8: Summary and Overview. Preparing for His Coming.



1. Flotilla Updates:

"Rachel Corrie to arrive in Gaza within 24 hours"

"Netanyahu: No ships to reach Gaza"

2. Gog-MaGog War Preparations?

"Rabbis: Flotilla Clash Similar to Gog and MaGog Prophecy"

The Rabbinical Council of Judea and Samaria issued a statement Thursday in which it said that the results of the incident in which Israel intercepted a flotilla trying to break the naval blockade of Gaza seem like the Biblical description of "the beginning of the Gog and Magog process where the world is against us, but which ends with the third and final redemption."

"Is flotilla battle signaling start of "Gog and MaGog?"

3. Wars and Rumors of War:

"Russia sends its mightiest warships for drills in Far East to prevent a US attack on North Korea"

"Obama orders U.S. military to get ready in Korea standoff"

"Erdogan said ready to go to war with Israel"

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has made it clear that Turkey is ready to go in war with Israel.

4. Iran calls for destruction of Israel

"Ahmadinejad: Further aggression will end Zionist regime"

"Ahmadinejad predicts Israel's collapse, warns West over support"

5. China's continuing rise: The Kings of the East

"China Investing Estimated 200 Billion in 'Imperialistic' Military to Rival U.S."

6. The "hook" in Russia's jaws for the Gog-MaGog Invasion?

"Leviathan gas find spurts optimism"

"Israel a Natural Gas Superpower"

7. EU crisis:

"Future Summer Forecast for Europe, Riots in the Streets"

"Eurozone jobless rate hits record high"

8. More Tension in the Middle East

"4 Rockets hit south"

Sometimes the headlines tell the story and today is an example of that. There are so many news stories which directly relate to prophecy for these last days - it is stunning. It is hard to believe that we're living in an age, where there are so many articles relating to watching the signs, one can barely even cover the headlines. This just represents the age in which we are living. The last days of this generation - more specifically, we seem to be approaching the final hours of this generation.

In the words of Jesus:

"...but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen..." (Matthew 24:6).

Indeed. Such things must happen, and when we SEE them happening, relief is on the way for Jesus' followers:

"When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift your heads, because your redemption is drawing near"
(Luke 21:28).

Indeed. Come quickly Lord. We are ready.


  1. so you live by me?? i am in durham. i had no idea where your location was! i am not able to make sunday mornings, so will your messages be available to listen to? thanks!

  2. Hi Marissa

    I will have the audio links posted, hopefully within a week of each service. The first in this series, technically (although it was a almost a year ago) is linked now on the main page. That talk set the foundations for the literal interpretation, etc.

    Sorry you can't make it!

    God Bless
