Monday, March 1, 2010

More Quakes, More Headlines

The death toll in Chile continues to rise and now there have been over 700 deaths reported:

"Security concerns spread as Chile quake death toll rises"


"Calling Saturday morning's quake an "unthinkable disaster," Chilean President Michelle Bachelet said a state of catastrophe in the hardest-hit regions would continue, allowing for the restoration of order and speedy distribution of aid."

"The nation's hardest-hit major city, Concepcion, declared an overnight curfew. The death count from the earthquake doubled on Sunday from a day earlier, to 708 deaths."

"More than 90 aftershocks had been recorded, ranging from 4.9 to 6.9 in magnitude. A 6.2-magnitude aftershock was recorded near the earthquake's epicenter on Sunday."


As the world watches the situation in Chile, there are many other quakes being reported from around the world, just in the last two days:

- 5.2 Japan
- 5.2 Philippines
- 5.1 Japan
- 5.1 Indonesia
- 5.3 Ecuador
- 5.0 Argentina
- 5.1 Japan
- 5.3 Japan
- 4.6 Haiti
- 4.7 Peru-Brazil border
- 4.8 Panama
- 5.0 China


Also in the news (rumors of war):

"Ahmadinejad Maneuvering Hizbullah and Israel into War?"

"Islamic Jihad urges escalation of conflict in West Bank"

"Arab Protesters Leave Temple Mount, Muslims Call for War"


Under the category of Christian persecution we also see this story:

"BBC News - Iraqi Christians protest over killings"


"Hundreds of Iraqi Christians have taken part in protests calling for government action after a spate of killings.
At least eight Christians have been killed in the past two weeks in the volatile northern city of Mosul."

"The UN says more than 680 Christian families have fled Mosul since the recent attacks."

"The recent killings were only the latest in a list of violent attacks on Christians in Iraq.
In 2004, five Christian churches in Baghdad were bombed.
Christians - and Christian priests - have been kidnapped, murdered, and maimed."


Earthquakes in the news. Persecution of Christians. More rumors of war. And its barely 8:00 EST.

Just another typical day of prophecy watching in these last days.

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