Monday, January 25, 2010

This Year

Thats the word coming from a so-called "secret intelligence" dossier being reviewed by U.S., Israeli, German and Austrian governments, according to an expose by Germany's Der Spiegel magazine: Iran will have a nuclear bomb by year's end.

Secret Report: Iran will Have Nuclear Bomb This Year"


"Western intelligence agencies say FEDAT and the Ministry of Science are working together to create the bomb. They also believe that a primitive nuclear weapon the size of a truck will be completed this year."

"Fears of a nuclear Iran have been compounded by information provided by Iran's former deputy defense minister, Ali Reza Asgari, and nuclear scientist Shahram Amiri, both of whom defected to the United States and were given new identities."

Interestingly, another article appeared today, almost as a mirror to the above:

"Netanyahu urges world to fight threats on Israel"


"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday called on the international community to confront those calling for the destruction of the Jewish state."

"The comments, made on the eve of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, were said to be directed at Iran, reports the Associated Press"

"Speaking about the rise in anti-Semitism, Netanyahu said that the world must act quickly to stop the denials of truth."

“This is a crime against the Jews, and a crime against humanity, and it is a test of humanity,” the Israeli premier said, according to the Haaretz newspaper. “We shall see in the following weeks whether the international community deals with this evil before it spreads,” he added."

"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has repeatedly questioned the Holocaust and has called for Israel to be “wiped off the map”.


This speech was clearly directed towards the Iranian threat. Mr Netanyahu seems determined to let the world (media) know what the threat from Iran represents to Israel. It appears that he is laying the groundwork and setting the stage for a future attack on Iran.


Also of note today, is the seemingly never-ending story on earthquakes. I believe this is an important story, because in some ways it serves as a very good indicator for the overall status of the "signs" that we constantly monitor - just something I have noticed over the years.

Just today - one day only, we have seen the following:

Seven separate earthquakes > 5.0:

- Kodiak Islands
- Aleutian Islands
- Japan (5.5)
- Indonesia
- Tonga Islands
- Kermadec Islands
- Peru-Brazil area (5.8)

Additionally, there was a 4.9 in Indonesia and a 4.7 in Guatemala. Of course, there were many more quakes, but these were the noteworthy ones worth mentioning.

As mentioned before, the earthquake story refuses to go away. But redundancy is part of birth pains - the pains keep coming only faster and more severe. So I guess the redundancy thing will continue to cycle as far as prophecy related news.

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