Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mediterranean Union Back in the News

"Jordanian formally takes over Mediterranean Union"

In this article we see the following:

"Ahmad Massaadeh, a former Jordanian ambassador to the EU and NATO, has formally been named head of the Mediterranean Union project, making him the first leader of the forum created in 2008, France's foreign minister said Tuesday."

"The appointment of the secretary general constitutes a decisive step in the institutional construction of the Union", Bernard Kouchner said in a statement."

"The foreign minister said the objectives of the Union for the Mediterranean (UPM) are to "create a space of peace, solidarity and prosperity through cooperation projects and to develop areas around the Mediterranean region".

"The Mediterranean Union project brings together EU members with states from north Africa, the Balkans, the Arab world and Israel in a bid to foster cooperation in one of the world's most volatile regions."


It is interesting that the Mediterranean Union seems to operate very quietly, without much international press. While considered as an extension (aka "growth") of the EU, the Mediterranean Union could easily be the organization that produces the antichrist - very much in line with biblical prophecy, as the Med Union represents the inevitable growth of the revived Roman Empire of Daniel 2, 7 and 9.

One quote above seems highly germane to this line of reasoning:

"The foreign minister said the objectives of the Union for the Mediterranean are to 'create a space of peace, solidarity and prosperity through cooperation projects..'"

In other words, exactly what the antichrist will do, initially in his rise to power.

This is worth watching - any significant news coming from the Med Union. The Roman Empire of our generation is growing and becoming stronger by the day - and barely gets noticed. As stated in Daniel 12:10:

"but those who are wise will understand."

We'll be watching - just as Jesus instructed.


  1. This seems to translate to:

    Smooth said...
    In the life the best gift belongs to an own part

    I'm guessing it lost something in the translation.


  2. As the Eastern leg has only just stood up, praps its still got pins and needles?
