Sunday, March 7, 2021

A Society 'Ravaged By Fear'

'Fear' Is The New 'Smart'

The Washington Post said recently: “The anti-vaccine movement is comparable to domestic terrorism, and must be treated that way”, while the Guardian had this:

“When it comes to shifting attitudes to vaccines, it is crucial to distinguish between public information campaigns that seek to educate the public and those that seek to persuade them,” said Philipp Schmid, a behavioural scientist researching vaccine scepticism at the University of Erfurt. “[..] if you don’t proactively tackle the problem at all, you end up playing catch-up with the anti-vaxxers. In a way, governments have to work on a parallel vaccine rollout – immunising the public against science denial.”

But WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris said: “it’s very important for people to understand that at the moment, all we know about the vaccines is that they will very effectively reduce your risk of severe disease. We haven’t seen any evidence yet indicating whether or not they stop transmission.” And Dr. David Martin claimed: It’s Gene Therapy, Not a Vaccine. One might add: It’s not science, it’s a sales job.

Now, I don’t know exactly who the WaPo refers to when they say “the anti-vaccine movement”, or that German guy with “the anti-vaxxers”, but it appears there is a widespread movement going on to promote mRNA vaccines, both by governments and by the press. And we’re not supposed to ask questions. 

Well, I’m sorry, but I make a living asking questions. And I think asking questions is not just everybody’s right, it’s an obligation. So don’t come at me with “domestic terrorism” or “anti-vaxxers”, a term that has nothing to do with the topic to begin with. Asking questions is not the same as being against something.

In essence the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA substances are a giant experiment, nothing else. If you can tell me what the logic is behind injecting -soon- hundreds of millions of people with something about which the WHO itself says: “we haven’t seen any evidence yet indicating whether or not they stop transmission,” try me. And how you get from there to issuing “vaccine passports” is as puzzling as the entire propaganda campaign. Who’s engaging in “science denial” here? In its core essence, an Emergency Use Authorization is unscientific.

A vaccine used to mean something that relied on -mostly- dead virus material to get your body to produce immunity “material”. What mRNA does -in this case – is force your body to produce an S1 spike protein, which is toxic to your body. Someone compared it to sticking a USB stick in your body, but one you can never take out anymore. Actually, it’s more like sticking such a USB stick into -almost- every single cell of your body. Forever.

 No clue what mRNA does in the long term. There’s a lot of concern about what it might do to our immune systems. So lots of questions. But we’re not allowed to ask those questions, because then we’re domestic terrorists. Or maybe we can ask them, but only after getting inoculated.

And the press help shape this new world, and Big Tech becomes Big Brother. There’s nothing either journalists or 20-something social media “guardians” like more than to tell you what you can see, hear, read or think, and I bet you never imagined that’s what George Orwell imagined. Or Mark Twain, for that matter. There is no real difference between banning books and burning them.

The way this is broadcast to us, is that the mRNA substances are safe, based on the fact that not too many people have died from being “vaccinated”. But not only are short-term effects not the main worry about them, there are already plenty headlines like this:

  • Injuries Reported to CDC After COVID Vaccines Climb by 4,000 in One Week

  • 34 Spontaneous Miscarriages, Stillbirths After COVID-19 Vaccination

  • Danger of mRNA Vaccines To Elderly: 16 Deaths In Switzerland

  • Norway warns of Covid-19 vaccine risk after 23 die

When you see that in Germany, France and Switzerland, half of care home workers don’t want to get vaccinated, perhaps it’s good to ask a question. Or how about this: “About 60% Of Nursing Home Staff Declined Covid Vaccines, Walgreens Exec Says”, about which Whitney Webb tweeted: “Just wondering if people consider the 60% of nursing home staffers and 1/3 of US troops declining the experimental COVID-19 vaccine to all be “crazy anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorists”

I’m not overly concerned about Covid19, but I do take a cautious approach. Which means taking vit. C&D and zinc, with ivermectin in my near future. But it doesn’t rule my life, certainly not as much as the lockdowns in Athens do. And frankly, I’m more afraid of sticking a genetic USB stick that generates untested genetic material in my body for the rest of my life, than I am of a virus that is unlikely to kill me.

By now we should be asking what being ruled by fear for a prolonged period of time does to the mindset of not just individuals, but of entire societies. Well, for one thing, it makes it much easier to censor people’s thoughts and actions, to shape their lives before they themselves do it. Be very afraid, roll up your sleeve, and don’t ask questions. And if you behave the way we tell you to, you may be able, in a year, or two, three, to return to the “old normal”.

Which unfortunately absolutely certainly will no longer exist once you get there. Your society will instead look like a warzone because its economy has been ravaged by fear. 

For one thing, if “they” allow stores, bars, restaurants to reopen this summer (doubtful), it may well be because they can no longer afford the emergency support for businesses and workers. The very first thing to happen then is mass lay-offs. Which will snowball into more businesses closing and more lay-offs.

It’s simply all gone on too long. For our economies, our societies and our minds. And if only to help us (re)cover, we should ask questions. It’s a obligation.


  1. Thanks for posting this Scott!
    A dastardly recipe indeed. The lung tissue of an aborted fetus, according to the CDC website. Any medicine that has not been field tested for any reasonable timeframe can only mean that those who are now receiving the vaccine are subjects in a world wide lab experiment, and have sacrificially volunteered to educate those of us who choose otherwise.
    I have loved ones who have already received the vaccine and a few who are considering...
    I’m not a Physician or the son of a Physician but I do have a mind of my own. In the Military I was trained to learn that when you want to propose an idea or a concept, the idea must be field tested. Also my average common sense has taught me not to trust in the agenda and intentions of the rich and famous who are promoting this vaccination, who also hold to a globalist agenda and promote the idea of depopulation.

  2. Really, how Evil, how insane, at that mere thought; Domestic Terrorist's label for those that think for themselves, need proof, don't desire to become involved in shots from those they don't trust to experiment on them, don't desire to risk body to have an auto-immune disease requiring up to five medicines to take daily or die!! Have a friend with such disease.
    Bodies own cells attacks it's own cells, inflammation occurs to point of death unless meds taken!!
    Knowing about this lets one realize experiments with unknown substances, by Terrorist CCP/Fauci/our Gov., other actors we don't trust as we all heard double-Orwellian double-speak from them all; Let us be clear: IMO, Foreign/Domestic Terrorism is applicable to those that are even trying this push, allowed this hyped virus, and lied to the point they killed people, ruined flourishing economy, and now play dumb! Populace waking up, and the evil doer's now want more Freedoms gone??????? That is "Terrorism on Steroids", in my opinion! Sc#w those that are mere twits needing to leave our USA, Earth even, IN MY OPINION! Mars would be good place they might go?

  3. My sister is a registered nurse. Everyday we discuss the vaccine she Really believes it’s trustworthy. I don’t! I respect her intelligence and education. I live in Indiana and she lives in New Jersey. My niece (Her daughter) works in physical therapy for the elderly in Jersey. She is only 25 years old and has been vaccinated. I will Not get a vaccine. I will Not even get tested for “the bug”!! I have recently seen a sign posted at a pharmacy checkout “ get vaccinated it has been thoroughly tested!!” Ha! I am questioning everything that’s happening in the world right now. I myself have a college education. I cannot understand why everyone is so sheepishly going along with this deception. Perhaps it’s because they have no faith? Right now my faith in the imminent appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ is my blessed hope! I am a “grandma”!! You know the one they say everyone should protect from infection! Here’s some advice to you all! I give you “my” permission to Not take a vaccine, Not wear a mask, and Not believe the lies! Please, just wash your hands regularly and cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. The only way back to “normal” is by actively being normal! Don’t let the globalists elites or whatever other name they’re called dictate our lives any more. My sister defends vaccines claiming they are safe and effective although she still waits for one. I argue that I will not ever get one nor do I believe in the “science”. All my life my sister and I have enjoyed debating things. However, on this issue she scoffs at my reluctance to just assimilate to the “woke” culture. She dismisses multiple examples of science I send her links to- even peer reviewed! I can’t win! It’s as though she is deaf and dumb to the reality that 1% of ppl in this world are truly evil. I’m not some domestic terrorist I’m a mother a grandmother a daughter of God and only want answers to valid questions! But sadly questioning things has led to me being labeled as a threat to my own country! I would bleed and die for the freedoms of our Great nation! Yet that patriotism is being distorted and being called insurrection! Will somebody out there please send a viral memo to the rest of the country that this “Grandma” doesn’t want you to get vaccinated or mask up, instead defend my right to be free, to Not get vaccinated, to be a patriot, & Not be labeled for my patriotism or religious beliefs!! United we stand. A house divided against itself cannot stand! We must unite behind the belief of freedom! Freedom to question, freedom to choose, freedom to assemble, and freedom to speak! Most importantly freedom to worship!
    With love in Jesus Christ- sister Rebecca

  4. These people have no idea what they are talking about. 1. This is not a vaccine, its an operating system. As such should have been treated like a new drug and in turn, received 10-12 years of testing, including long term safety testing and animal tox. It had neither. SO AT BEST its a completely new drug which has had 2 months of safety testing. That alone is something the "pro" side needs to understand. Most nurses etc that advocate for this "vaccine" have no idea what the usual process is for a drug to gain approval. 2. The number of deaths and serious adverse events is STAGGERING and any drug I have been involved with (in the R and D process) would have been taken off the market in the first 2-3 weeks. 3. Almost all of the serious adverse events and deaths result from some form of auto-immune process. Obviously whatever "spikes" the mRNA is producing is similar to other parts of the body and the body is attacking itself. 3. We have NO IDEA what the long-term side effects will be. Based on its mechanism and animal work on previous attempts at this technology, the next time people get a cold or the flu or any URI, their body will hyper react, causing a cytokine storm and that will be fatal in many. 4. It may make women sterile as the spikes produced are also in the placenta, this the body will attack the placenta. For how long? No one knows because it hasn't been tested long term, possibly forever. 4. The mRNA can mutate and at that point there is no telling what it will do...5. This is all for a virus that is 99.98 survivable for most people under 70 and is easily treatable with several treatments (Ivermectib, hydroxy, inhaled steroids etc. The risk-benefit profile is not at all favorable.

  5. Thank-you Scott for laying out a real concern, argument with reasoning, logic, rationale, common-sense, Faith, and real true Science! In agreement completely, and stand behind why the populace needs to be cautious, free to make their own decisions, and to save lives from great possibility for much torment once shot has been active in their systems!!!!
    Having been a Military Dependent, received many shots when going overseas, have kept passport up, and as of 2012, the increase injections given was of grave concern to me when traveling abroad for Missionary Work. I have been fortunate enough to be quite healthy, exercise lots, eat well, etc., but after lots of shots (they increased amounts one needed), given in 2012 for passport, I developed rash that took one year to totally disappear. No doctor could tell me what it was from? Insurance & lots of my own money was spent on, why? It's gone now!! I suspect from all those shots!! Even so, research had been done on most injections given, to my knowledge; Not against all injections, but given the circumstances surrounding this vaccine, it's healthy to remain concerned, in my opinion! Also has anyone else noticed, many are low in Vitamin D that get Covid-19? Correlation is there from my assessment! IMO, take your Vit. D, unless manufacture D, which some of us do, not most though. The flying around of words like Terrorist to use Fear, Force, etc. to get people to do what is against their better judgement is pure evil amplified, IMO! Love the comments, most likely representing majority of God Loving Americans. Education is mute, I too am Educated, but seen lots of friends highly educated act so dumb when comes to buying into propaganda lies! Pick our Battles, this is one we must address when Terrorist labels applied by those that have no proof, cause such a ruckus! Enough is enough!
    Research and Development exist as normal for vaccine procedures from the normal, those doing this virus hype saga, in my opinion, are Diabolical, using forms of Terrorism to advance some Control Agenda's Unconstitutional, In My Opinion! (: When they said stay in for two weeks in very beginning, upon praying, God let me know to go out, walk my dog in parks, it's fine; Seriously, I did, eerie no one around, but I knew then, what an elaborated beginning for this mostly, manufactured Hoax! Yes, through time, folks get ill, age, die, best just know where your going to after death, and seek Joyfulness while in life on Earth; Why we need not listen to Evil and it's using us as pawns for the matrix filled NWO twits! Smokes & Mirrors, but we see them!
