Monday, October 8, 2018

U.S. vs Russia: NATO Launches Largest Drills Since Cold War

NATO Launches Largest Drills Since Cold War On Russias Front Door Step

The title of the October 4th story over at Strategic Culture hints that madness is still in the air: "US Openly Threatens Russia with War: Goodbye Diplomacy, Hello Stone Age". As Steve Quayle mentioned in an SQ note while he linked to the story on his website: "To quote Putin, if history has taught him anything, he who strikes first usually wins - perhaps US NATO Ambassador should read history! It's a 2-way street". 

As the Strategic Culture story reported, the US believes that Russia is in violation of the INF nuclear treaty with the building of a new missile and our Ambassador to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison actually said the following of Russia's new missile potentially becoming operational: 

At that point, we would be looking at the capability to take out a (Russian) missile that could hit any of our countriesCounter measures (by the United States) would be to take out the missiles that are in development by Russia icc vvvvvn violation of the treaty." She added. "They are on notice." As the Strategic Culture story pointed out, "this is nothing other than a direct warning of a preemptive strike."

Does the US's NATO Ambassador Hutchison not keep up with the latest news? As Dr Peter Vincent Pry warned in a story republished on ANP back on March 14th, 'mutually assured destruction' is no longer 'mutual'

Warning in his March 14th story that the US is now 'unilaterally vulnerable to nuclear destruction' should war break out with Russia due to their new 'doomsday weapons' that we have no way to stop, for those who think that Dr. Pry's warning might not be accurate, we remind you that Republican Senator James Inhofe from Oklahoma said of Russia's new hypersonic missiles also back in March: "Right now, we're helpless" to stop them. 

And if Inhofe's warnings didn't ring loudly or true enough to you, US General John Hyten, the Commander of the US Strategic Command stated back in March to the US Senate Armed Services Committee:

We don't have any defense that could deny the employment of such a weapon against us, so our response would be our deterrent force, which would be the triad and the nuclear capabilities that we have to respond to such a threat."

On Wednesday Russian leader Vladimir Putin threatened the West with unstoppable intercontinental nuclear missiles. Putin announced that Russia had developed an intercontinental nuclear missile that can’t be stopped or shot down by any country’s defence system.

The Russian leader said the rocket travels 20 times the speed of sound and has unlimited range. 

And as Dr. Pry reported back on September 27th on ANP, Russia is ready for war against the US with their recent Vostok 2018 joint exercises with China simulating two nuclear strikes upon America. And while any nuclear war would be absolutely brutal for all nations involved, and the entire planet, and it would certainly mean the end of life as we know it here in America for our entire population, Russia's invincible new doomsday nuclear weapons, including POSEIDON and SATAN 2 hypersonic nuclear missiles, were the 'game changers'. Thanks Hillary. 

As Dr. Pry reported in this June 20th story on ANP, POSEIDON, named after the Greek God of Oceans, Earthquakes and Tsunamis is an artificially intelligent robot submarine that could deliver a 100 megaton nuclear bomb, "the largest nuclear weapon ever deployed by any nation. POSEIDON would explode underwater to radioactively contaminate and inundate with tsunamis U.S. coastal cities and seaboard, where are concentrated much of America’s military-industrial strength and population." 

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