Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Things To Come: Antisemitism Worsening, 'Jacob's Trouble Simmering'

Jacob’s Trouble Simmering « Terry James

Holocaust was approaching, and nobody seemed to notice. It was 1936 and Adolf Hitler’s Nazi regime was putting forth its best public relations efforts through the Olympics, held that year in Berlin.
The Führer’s rhetoric and Josef Goebbels’ glowing propaganda presented a dichotomy to the world’s diplomats. On the one hand, there were growing armaments and militarism within the German industrial complex that caused potential Nazi victims to cast a wary glance Germany’s way. On the other, the world was–on the surface–welcomed with open, though swastika-banded arms to partake of the growing glory of the rising Third Reich.
Journalists of the world for the most part were swept up in the vacuum of movement into modernity that promised bigger, greater things through technological wizardry. The Hindenburg flew dominantly and majestically above the landscape of earth, and Germany welcomed all to a transparent view of life in Deutschland. Only, things were not so transparent, as promised to the duped, journalistic world.
War debt–reparations for the havoc the German aggressors wreaked in World War I hyper-inflation–and the fear of a Communist takeover of government had long broiled and brewed just beneath the surface. The German people were ready for their savior. They believed they had found him. The Führer needed a scapegoat to bring the national psyche into a synthesis of sorts–an internal enemy upon which to focus. The choice he came up with consisted of two antagonists: 1) the communists and 2) the Jews. The communists represented an ideological and militaristic threat that came from regions east of the homeland. The Jews represented an economic threat, and a threat to the purity of the Germanic race.
The house of Israel, like in so many eras of mankind’s anti-Semitic history, drew the attention of demonically inspired leaders. Under Heinrich Himmler’s evil scheming–aimed at centering hatred of the Jews around which to rally the Nazi regime–the Final Solution was formulated and its implementation begun.
Six million died in the genocide we know as the Holocaust. The resultant national battle cries of the reborn Jewish state–“Never again!”–have again brought God’s chosen people to growing world hatred of them. Their stance of defending their right to exist enrages enemies and even supposed allies the world over. Anti-Semitism is literally exploding across the planet. Hatred by Muslim nations across the world is a foregone conclusion. Therefore, its most troubling growth is found in the geopolitical West.
We remember a time not long ago that in a single week eight synagogues were attacked in France. A mob of more than four hundred enraged thugs firebombed a synagogue in Cacelles. A Jewish supermarket and pharmacy were attacked, looted, and greatly damaged. Those who attacked shouted slogans and carried placards. They chanted the same slogans written on the placards, which read “Death to Jews!” and “Slit the Jews’ throats!”
Stone-throwing protesters burned Israeli flags in the Barbes neighborhood of the capital that same weekend. In Germany, Jew-haters threw Molotov cocktails into the Bergische Synagogue in Wuppertal. It was the same synagogue previously destroyed during Kristallnach, the Nazi’s all-out assault that was the beginning of the attempt to eliminate the Jewish Race in November of 1939.
“These are the worst times since the Nazi era,” Dieter Graumann, the then president of Germany’s Central Council of Jew [said]. “On the streets, you hear things like ‘the Jews should be gassed’, ‘the Jews should be burned’ – we haven’t had that in Germany for decades. Anyone saying those slogans isn’t criticising Israeli politics; it’s just pure hatred against Jews: nothing else. And it’s not just a German phenomenon. It’s an outbreak of hatred against Jews so intense that it’s very clear indeed.”
There are so many reports of such hatred against Jews that it would take several articles to list them all. And, America has  experienced vandalism and other acts of anti-Semitism, such as the destruction of headstones in Jewish cemeteries and worse incidents.
The point is that anti-Semitism is growing at an alarming rate while the world lurches toward man’s darkest time. Jeremiah the prophet called it the time of Jacob’s trouble: “Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble; but he shall be saved out of it” (Jeremiah 30:7).
Indeed, the Lord will preserve Israel. It will be the apex nation during the Millennium! Today, however, holocaust is approaching, but not many seem to notice. Jacob’s Trouble is definitely simmering, and soon it will boil over to scald all who are left behind when Christ calls the church home to Heaven.

The Democratic Party is following Britain’s Labour party down the antisemitic rabbit hole.

Today, with the British Labour Party firmly under the thumb of its leader, Jeremy Corbyn, Britain is one election away from being led by a man who has spent decades in the company of some of the most prolific and noxious antisemites in the world.
Allegations of anti-Jewish bigotry have hounded Corbyn for decades, and with good reason. It isn’t simply that he has associated with notorious antisemites, and referred to Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists as “my friends.”
It is that Corbyn has whitewashed antisemites in Labour. He has made Labour a warm and welcoming home for them. And at the same time, under his leadership, prominent Jewish pro-Jewish and pro-Israel voices have been marginalized while antisemitic Jews have been organized and empowered as a political weapon to sanitize the antisemitism-Semitism that permeates the party.
Last week, British researcher David Collier published two reports (here and here), documenting in granular detail the postings at a virulently antisemitic secret Facebook page called “Palestine Live.”

Corbyn was a member of the group until shortly after he was elected leader of the Labour Party in 2015. While anyone can be placed on any Facebook page whether he wants to be there or not, and Corbyn claims that he was “joined” to the group without his knowledge, Corbyn was not a passive member. The leader of Labour was active on the wildly bigoted group.

The muck on the “Palestine Live” page runs the anti-Semitic spectrum from medieval to pogromist, from Nazi to Communist to anti-Zionist.
The group’s 3,200 members routinely post propaganda justifying the Holocaust, denying the Holocaust, and blaming the Jews for the Holocaust. They accused Jews of killing Palestinians to steal their organs and of controlling the global economy, the governments of every country on earth, and the media. They assign Jews responsibility for every major terrorist attack in the world.
As for Israel, group members accuse Israel of every possible crime against humanity. The Palestinians of Gaza are referred to as “Holocaust survivors,” while Israelis are “terrorists” and “Nazis.”

Corbyn’s rarely rejects antisemitism without qualification. For instance, in 2016 in a statement ostensibly about rejecting anti-Jewish bigotry, Corbyn said, “Our Jewish friends are no more responsible for the actions of Israel or the Netanyahu government than our Muslim friends are for those of various self-styled Islamic states or organizations.”
Which brings us to the Democratic Party.

Corbyn’s statement recalled a statement then-Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) made during the 2008 presidential campaign.
“There is a strain within the pro-Israel community that says unless you adopt an unwavering pro-Likud approach to Israel that you’re anti-Israel,” Obama told an audience in Ohio.
Likud is Israel’s ruling party. It won the last three elections. By insinuating that Likud is illegitimate, Obama rejected the legitimacy of Israelis who elect Likud to lead them.
In addition, during the 2008 election and throughout his presidency, Obama diligently obfuscated his associations with antisemites.
Consider his relationship with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.
Farrakhan is the most prominent and politically powerful antisemite in America.
He has a four-decade record of viciously antisemitic statements along the lines of the posts at the Palestine Live Facebook group. He has called Hitler “a very great man.” He has referred to Judaism as “a gutter religion,” and to Jews as “satanic.” He accused “Jews” of perpetrating the 9/11 attacks.
For Farrakhan, anti-Jewish bigotry has never been a bug in an otherwise wonderful system. Jew hatred has been a central feature of his public life.

Obama’s relationship with Farrakhan returned to the news in January when photo-journalist Askia Muhammad published a photograph he took of the two men together at a 2005 Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) meeting when Obama was a serving U.S. Senator.
Askia told a reporter that the CBC asked him to hide it.
“I gave the picture up at the time and basically swore secrecy,” to prevent Obama’s association with Farrakhan from harming his future presidential prospects, Askia explained.
“After the nomination was secured and all the way up until the inauguration: then for eight years after he was President, it was kept under cover.”
Rather than disavowing Farrakhan, after Askia’s photograph was published, leading African American lawmakers have embraced him.
Representative Danny Davis (D-IL) told the Daily Caller that Farrakhan is “an outstanding human being.”
Davis explained that in Chicago, Farrakhan is not a fringe figure.
“I don’t regard Louis Farrakhan as an aberration or anything. I regard him as an outstanding human being who commands a following of individuals who are learned and articulate and he plays a big role in the lives of thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of people.”

A week before Davis called him an “outstanding,” mainstream leader, Farrakhan gave a virulently antisemitic sermon at the Nation of Islam’s Saviors’ Day celebration. He referred to Jews as “satanic” and said, “powerful Jews are my enemies.”

Like the members of Palestine Live Facebook page, Farrakhan promoted the conspiracy theory that Jews control Hollywood and the U.S. government, including the FBI. And the U.S. isn’t the only country controlled by “Satanic Jews”: Poland, Ukraine, France, Germany and Mexico are also controlled by Jews who “take on the culture, the money, the business,” of those countries, he said.
None of the 21 Democratic lawmakers who were present at the 2005 CBC meeting with Farrakhan that Obama attended in 2005 responded to Hasson’s request to denounce Farrakhan.
Indeed, far from denouncing him, the CBC has denounced his Jewish critics, and Israel.

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