Saturday, November 19, 2011

Barak: Iran Will be "Unstoppable" in One Year

Israel continues to warn the world about the threat that Iran poses. No one seems to be taking the threat seriously. You have to wonder if Israel is telegraphing their future plans.

Barak: Iran Will be "Unstoppable" in One Year

In another of several interviews he has given this past week on the Iranian issue, Defense Minister Ehud Barak is hinting that in time is running out to stop Iran from achieving nuclear capability.

In an interview to CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS”, which will air on Sunday and of which an advanced transcript was released on Saturday, Barak says that Iran is less than a year away from becoming unstoppable in its goal to produce a nuclear weapon.

In the past week Barak has given several interviews in the media in which he addressed Iran’s nuclear program.

On Wednesday, he told PBS’ Charlie Rose that the only way to get Iran to drop its nuclear program using negotiations would be if the world, including Russia, China and India, “joins hands” and sanctions Iran.

But Russia and China have already made it clear that no such sanctions will take place.

On Thursday, Barak told Kol Yisrael radio that although Israel was trying to convince members of the international community to economically isolate Iran, he did not think that effort would work. Despite his pessimism, he said, Israel needed to continue working through diplomatic channels – and avoid the alternative.

“We must make clear to the world that we understand the situation and are ready to deal with it, and that this is a challenge not just for us, but for the whole world,” Barak said, skirting the question on his comment.

This tipping point is approaching rapidly. Just like so many others (Syria-Israel, Turkey-Israel-Cyprus, Gaza-Israel, Lebanon-Israel, etc.). Sooner or later one of these tipping points will ignite the region into our last wars as we enter the Tribulation.


Seth said...

Not really prophecy related, but a friend of mine posted this on Facebook, and it's REALLY cool. There's a section where it cleary flies over Israel, and it made me think about when we'll fly over Israel with Jesus leading the way. Here's the link. Enjoy the beauty of our Lord's creation...

Anonymous said...

Pizza a vegetable?

Robin said...

Not even that long. According to US intelligence, Iran will have five nuclear weapons by April. Some even say the Iranian explosions at the military facility outside Tehran last week, weren't caused by Israel or US, or but really WERE the result of an Iranian accident . . .as Iranians were attempting to arm missiles with nuclear warheads.

Robin said...

Anon. . . the GOP isn't proposing that Pizza be counted as a vegetable . . .but that tomato sauce be counted. Perhaps if you spent time reading news, instead of other people's opinion about news, you'd have picked up on what the writer of the op/ed piece you posted, apparently missed. Fruits and Vegetables are counted as one category in the food pyramid. AND it most certainly IS a fruit. Anyone who's ever made their own sauce knows that for a fact. Gee . . .

. . .and I'm sorry . . .exactly what does pizza have to do with Biblical prophecy anyway?